We are officially a good provider,OUTSTANDING in Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
We now have limited availability for the academic year 2024-25
Early registration is highly recommended
I was so pleased to have been awarded an OBE for services to Education in the New Year Honours list. It is such an honour and I really am so proud! This award is for everyone that works within the nursery group who work so hard to provide such wonderful nursery experiences for the children and families.
One of our biggest developments over the past couple of years is that we have staff who have completed their Forest School training, this has provided some amazing opportunities for the children to explore and have fun learning in our local woodland. We now offer Forest School to all children in their last year of nursery and outdoor learning to all other children. Take a look at the Pine Wood Nursery school Facebook and Instagram page where you can see lot's of photo's and keep updated with nursery news by following. We always welcome feedback on the page also!
The nursery is led by Paula Goddard who has many years nursery experience which provides a fantastic underpinning for the care and education that the nursery offers. All Key Worker staff hold an Early Years qualfication and are experienced with planning your child's next steps to extend and support their progression and development.
We have had an Ofsted inspection in October 2019 and we are Good . The inspector was really impressed with her visit and very complimentary about the children and nursery team, well done !!
We will be exploring all the children's interests and planning our activities around this. We will also be looking at our garden planting more plants and vegetables. We will be having a make over of the garden in the summer holidays so it is all ready for our new starters in September!
We have extended the learning oppottunities for the children in our maths and writing provision with new equipment and materials as well as staff training to support the children in all aspects of the EYFS along with extending our outdoor learning. The nursery supports all the children's interest's through In the Moment Planning.
We have an open house policy and welcome parent support and comments. If you would like to help in the nursery at any time with cooking, gardening, story telling or craft then please see Paula and she will arrange a time for you !
We regularly hold parent consultations when your child's key worker will discuss their progress with you. Please remember you can speak to your child's key worker on a daily basis .